Table of Contents of Past Issues

2000 Volume 5 Number 1/2
Special Issue: Understanding Professional Preparation and Development of Mathematics Teachers in Different Education Systems

Introduction 1
Edward A. Silver & Yeping Li
Characteristics of Mathematics Teacher Preparation Programs in the United States: An Exploratory study 5
Karen J Graham. Yeping Li & Judith Curran Buck
Challenges and Dilemmas in a Period of Reform-Preservice Mathematics Teacher Education in Shanghai,China 32
Yanping Fang & Lyan Paine
Two Approaches of Assisting Teachers in Adjusting to Curriculum Reform in Taiwan 68
Pi-Jen Lin
Pre-Service Preparation and Professional Development of Mathematics Teachers in Singapore 83
Chong Tian Hoo & Fong Ho Kheong


Developing, Implementing and Evaluating a Tutor Intervention for a Mathematics Problem Solving Class 91
Andrea M.Schollaert & Cheryl A.Lubinski
Explaining Mathematics Anxiety in College Students: A Research Project 108
Gerald L Marshall
Problem Solving in Singapore Secondary Mathematics Textbooks 117
Fan Lianghuo & Zhu Yan
Novice and Senior Mathematics Teachers Any Differences ? 142
Fong Ho Kheong


Why Singapore Eighth Graders Did Better Among the Asian Nations in the TIMSS Mathematics: A Secondary Analysis 169
Soh Kay Cheng
Singapore Primary School TIMSS Data : Data Representation Analysis and Probability and Patterns ,Relations and Functions 180
Berinderjeet Kkaur & Lionel Pereira-Mendoza
Teaching Algebra For Procedural and Structural Understanding 194
Beverly J Ferrucci & Jack A.Carter
Pre-service Teachers’ Conceptual Understanding of Volume 205
Yeap Ban Har & Cheong Ngan Peng Christina