2000 Volume 5 Number 1/2
Why Singapore Eighth Graders Did Better Among the Asian
Nations in the TIMSS Mathematics:
A Secondary Analysis

Soh Kay Cheng

Abstract: The Asian nations top the list of TIMSS mathematics achievement. This study Looks for possible explanation why Singapore eighth graders did well in TIMSS Mathematics than those of three other participating Asian nations.

The analysis indicates that this could be partly due to home condition and strong social motivation to do well in general and in mathematics in particular. Homework and highly positive feelings toward Mathematics played a no small role in Singapore students’ achievement. Singaporean students attributed success more to talent or ability but less to hard work.

Singapore’s teachers spent more time on tests and assignments and daily matters to make Mathematics lessons more relevant to the students. They also made good uses of assessment information to enhance student learning. In short, Singapore’s Mathematics achievement is due to the interaction of home environment, motivation reinforced by the social milieu, teacher quality and devotion and the teaching strategies adopted by the teachers.

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