Table of Contents of Past Issues

2007 Volume 10 Number 2

Classroom Research as Teacher-researcher 1
Leong Yew Hong, Helen L. Chick, and Julianne Moss
Development of Mathematics Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Student Teachers 27
Cheang Wai Kwong, Yeo Kai Kow Joseph, Chan Chun Ming Eric, Lim-Teo Suat Khoh,, Chua Kwee Gek, and Ng Luan Eng
Student Motivation and Instructor Immediacy in Community College Mathematics Classes 55
Stephen A. Furlich and Jerry F. Dwyer
Reliability and Validity of a Malay Translation of the Fennema-Sherman Mathematics Attitudes Scales 71
Albert Kienfie Liau, Mustapa Kassim, and Michael Liau Tet Loke
School Mathematics Mastery Test and Preservice Mathematics Teachers’ Mathematics Content Knowledge 85
Toh Tin-Lam, Chua Boon Liang, and Yap Sook Fwe
Acknowledgments to Referees for 103
The Mathematics Educator Volume 10