2000 Volume 5 Number 1/2
Developing, Implementing, and Evaluating a Tutor Intervention
For a Mathematics Problem Solving Class

Andrea M. Schollacrt
Cheryl A. Lubinski

Abstract: A learning assistance center at a four year public university offers academic assistance to all enrolled students through interactive study groups, individual tutoring and small group tutoring. The assistance is designed primarily for freshmen in the general education courses. As in the case in most universitily, some courses are more challenging for students that others are. One course, in a newly implemented general education curriculum, is a mathematic problem- solving course and it is emerging as one that is difficult for most students. The course syllabus defines it as a multi dimensional approach to the study of mathematics with a focus on mathematical problem solving. This study includes a review of tutorial assistance and an analysis of the performance or students who received assistance in comparison to those who did not. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods were used.

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