2000 Volume 5 Number 1/2
Problem Solving in Singapore Secondary
Mathematics Textbook

Fan Lianghuo
Zhu Yan

Abstract: This study examined how two widely used Singapore school mathematics textbooks at lower secondary level represent problem solving. The study established a framework on the classification of problems and problem solving procedures to code and analyze the from the textbooks. Based on the framework, an overall picture of the representation of problem solving in the textbooks was obtained. The authors concluded that the textbooks present a good foundation for students to development their abilities in problem solving and are strong in aspects such as using fundamental/theoretical knowledge to solve problem, developing students’ logical and higher-order thinking skills through solving multistep and challenging problem, exposing students to a variety of heuristics, and leading students to new concepts and algorithms through problem solving. The authors also suggested some areas for further improvement of the textbooks concerning the representation of solving.

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