2000 Volume 5 Number 1/2
Two Approaches of Assisting Teachers in Adjusting to
Curriculum Reform in Taiwan

Pi-Jen Lin

Abstract: This paper reports two approaches taken to assist classroom teachers in implementing the standards- oriented curricular materials in Taiwan’s 1993 mathematics curriculum reform. One approach, curricular investigation approach, is to investigate the scope and sequence of curriculum through year-by year filed testing of curriculum materials. The other approach is professional development approach designed to promote teachers’ rethinking of teaching practice and reinforce teachers’ awareness and understanding of learner-centered teaching. Both two approach made teachers become more familiar with the meaning of learner- centeren approach and gained an advanced understanding of the philosophy, psychology, and education sociology underpinning the 1993 version curriculum. The second approach made teachers become more reflective practitioners. The support of school principal, who is also a researcher and curricular developer, was a main component for making the curriculum investigation approach successful, while the professional development approach contributed success to structured cognitive activities including classroom observations, constructing cases, and analyzing students’ solution patterns

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