2013 Volume 14 Number 1&2
Pre-service Teachers’ Knowledge about Fraction Division Reflected through Problem Posing

Issic K.C. Leung
Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong

Rose Elaine Carbone
Clarion University, USA

Abstract: This study investigated the conceptual understanding of fraction division of 72 Hong Kong pre-service teachers by asking them to pose a real life story problem. Analyses of the problems posed show that many of these pre-service teachers had incorrectly interpreted the division concept in their problems as sharing rather than measurement. A short intervention shows significant improvement in posing problems in terms of mathematical correctness as related to real life situations. This study particularly shows an increase of the correct use of the measurement concept from the pre-test to the post-test. The study also shows that problem posing could be used to measure conceptual understanding. Additional studies should be conducted to show effects of different teaching interventions regarding improving the conceptual understanding of divisions of fractions.

Key words: Division of fractions; Problem posing; Referent whole; Pre-service teachers

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