2012 Volume 13 Number 2
Textbooks and Cultural Traditions: A Comparative Case Study of Berlin and Hong Kong

Ka Wai Lui
Frederick Koon
Shing Leung
The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China

Abstract: This study compared the textbooks and their underlying intended curricula and traditions in Berlin and Hong Kong using the Rezat model. The German educational philosophy was characterised by the humanistic-oriented approach, while the Hong Kong education was strongly influenced by the Confucian heritage culture (CHC) and the Anglo-Saxon curriculum tradition. Differences in the textbooks include linguistic characteristics and use of history of mathematics, which are related to the intended curriculum. The findings support the notion of the dependence of the textbook curriculum in mathematics on cultural traditions.

Key words: Mathematics textbooks; Berlin; Hong Kong; Confucian heritage culture; German educational philosophy

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