2011 Volume 13 Number 1
Preferred Representations of Middle School Algebra Students When Solving Problems

Regina M. Panasuk
University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA

Matthew L. Beyranevand
Chelmsford Public Schools, USA

Abstract: Preferences of middle school algebra students for certain representations were investigated in this research study. Previous studies reported that students from a wide range of ages and abilities have a preference for certain types of representation when solving algebraic problems. This study focused on representational preferences of middle school algebra students of different achievement levels when they solved problems involving linear relationships with one unknown. The study was conducted with a relatively large sample size (N = 443) of 7th and 8th grade students from one US urban district with low performance in mathematics. The students’ achievement level was measured by the mathematics portion of the statewide Comprehensive Assessment System (sCAS). Analysis of the collected data generated explanations of the roots for their preferences and recommendations for teaching are provided.

Key words:Multiple representations; Linear equations with one unknown; Preferences; Middle school algebra

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