2010 Volume 12 Number 2
"Special Segments of Triangles"
The Use of Paper Folding for the Purpose of Terms
Understanding by Middle School Female-students

Dorit Patkin
Kibbutzim College of Education, Israel

Bruria Kanner
“Lehava” Ulpana (High School for Religious Girls), Israel

Abstract: Geometry studies in middle school constitute a bridge between geometry learnt intuitively at primary school and the studies of deductive geometry in high school. Due to this transition, students are required to know term definitions, to reason and present demonstrations only in a formal and abstract way. This is a meaningful change which embodies a difficulty for both teachers of this subject and for students. The present study explored the extent of influence of learning abstract terms, such as "special segments of triangles", using illustrations of paper folding. The research population comprised middle school female-students in the 8th-grade. The research findings indicate that the students improved their definition capability and their comprehension of terms learnt in this way, demonstrating a change for the better in their attitude towards the geometry studies.

Key words: Paper folding; Special segments of triangles; Angle-bisector; Altitude; Median; Triangle

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