2006 Volume 9 Number 2
Factors that Influence the Integration of Information and Communications Technology into the Classroom – Pre-service Mathematics Teachers’ Perceptions

Ng Wee Leng
National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Abstract:In the light of the recent focus on the use of technology in education, a Crucial Factors in the Integration of ICT Survey (CFS) was developed to examine mathematics teachers’ perceptions of the degree of importance pertaining to the key factors influencing the integration of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) into the classroom. The purpose of this study was to field-test this instrument which measures secondary school mathematics teachers’ perceptions of the positive impact of the following factors on ICT implementation as identified by a review of the literature: (a) usefulness and worthiness of technology, (b) support from various departments in the school, (c) availability and accessibility of technology, (d) professional development opportunities in technology, (e) leadership, planning and implementation of technology, and (f) partnerships with external organisations. In this study, a total of 60 pre-service mathematics teachers were surveyed. The results show that these pre-service teachers rate both professional development opportunities and the availability and accessibility of technology as the most influential factors among the six in determining the extent to which they will employ ICT in the classroom. However, all factors are deemed important in determining whether teachers utilised technology in the classroom.

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