2003 Volume 7 Number 1
Effects of Geometer’s Sketchpad on Spatial Ability and Achievement in Transformation Geometry among Secondary Two Students in Singapore

Leong Yew Hoong and Lim-Teo Suat Khoh
National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Abstract: Does the use of a common construction programme – the Geometer’s Sketchpad - in different pedagogical settings have an impact spatial ability and achievement scores of students within concepts in transformation geometry? The subjects were 13 to 14 year-old students from a school with above-average ranking among Singapore schools. The software was employed differently in the three classes: In Class A, the approach adopted by the teacher was that of guided-inquiry where students explored concepts and made conjectures with extensive hands-on experience with the software; in Class C, the teacher’s predominant role was that of an expositor and the students’ role that of knowledge-recipients, and the software was used as a teacher’s tool to demonstrate dynamically the properties of transformations; in Class B, the ‘in between’ class, the pedagogy of guided-inquiry in whole-class discourses was adopted but with the teacher manipulating objects on the projected screen as directed by the students. The results showed that spatial ability improved for all three classes with no significant difference between the classes although Classes A and B performed significantly better than Class C in the transformation geometry achievement test.

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