1999 Volume 4 Number 2
Mathematics Teachers’ Perceptions Of Own Professional
Development Needs

Margaret Taplin
Olugbemiro Jegede
Chan Sing-lai

Abstract: This paper addresses concerns that current professional development provisions might not be doing enough to help teachers to keep up with the implementation of teaching reforms. The purpose of this study was to gain insights about mathematics teachers’ perceptions of their own professional development needs in order to make recommendations about how these needs can best be met. Thirty-five preservice and 84 inservice teachers were asked to rate their current knowledge and their need to know more about 60 specific aspects of teaching mathematics. The relationship of their perceptions to some independent variables such as gender ,level of schooling they taught at and length of teaching experience, was also examined. The results of this project have raised some potential implications, for the development of preservice and inservice mathematics education programmes, with the need for more input in the areas of effective computer use and problem solving promotion of student thinking being the clearest priorities.

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