1999 Volume 4 Number 2
Three G7 And Three Little Asian Dragons In
TIMSS Mathematics At The Fourth Grade
Soh Kay Cheng
Abstract: Three G7 countries (USA, UK, and Canada) and three Asian little
Dragons (Hong Kong, Korea, and Singapore were compared on demographic
variables, TIMSS achievement, teacher’ and students’ behaviours relevant to
mathematics learning. The Asian countries spent more on education and
outperformed the European countries in the TIMSS test as a whole and the various
sub-tests which are highly correlated among themselves, except in Geometry were
no difference is found. There is a very high correlation between TIMSS
achievement and item-curriculum match analysis. Asian teachers spent more time
on out-of-class coaching, taught larger classes, but did less practice of computation
in their lessons. Less Asian students possessed the three specified educational aids
but more spent time doing homework. They did not think having time to have fun
important and believed their mother and friends held the same view. These
variables correlate significantly with TIMSS performance.