1997 Volume 2 Number 1
Explaining The Thinking, Learning Styles, And Cognition Constructs
Yeap Lay Leng
Chong Tian Hoo
Abstract: This article briefly identifies and explains the key features of the three
constructs, namely thinking, learning styles, and cognition, to show the
relationships among them. The constructs have been given different terms like
cognitive, teaching, or leadership styles, learner analysis, and psychological types.
No matter how they are labeled, these constructs involve mental processes that
change insights and thought patterns. The strategies which individuals follow to
perceive, think, and process information to achieve their learning goals are equally
different. . Keefe (1982) provided new insights into cognitive development and
academic learning when he said,
Knowledge about learning styles and brain behavior is a
fundamental new tool at the service of teachers and schools…it
provides a deeper and more profound view of the learner than
previously perceived and is part of a basic framework upon which
a sounder theory and practice of learning and instruction may be
built. (Guild and Garger, 1985, p,14)