2011 Volume 13 Number 1
Impact of Video Case Studies on Elementary Mathematics Teachers’ Ways of Evaluating Lessons: An Exploratory Study

Rongjin Huang
Middle Tennessee State University, USA

Gerald Kulm, Yeping Li, Dennie Smith
Texas A&M University, USA

Jiansheng Bao
East China Normal University, China

Abstract: This paper explores the impacts of using video cases on in-service teachers’ ways of evaluating mathematics lessons in China. Sixteen elementary mathematics teachers participated in a video case-based, 5-day training program. Based on data analysis of questionnaires, interviews, and video-clips collected over the 5-day program, we found that participating teachers shifted their evaluation perspectives from focusing on general pedagogical facets to balancing mathematical content and pedagogical content. In addition, the participants perceived positive impacts of the video case-based training program on their understanding of pedagogy and their abilities in evaluating lessons and reflecting upon their practice.

Key words: Chinese teachers; Video cases; Professional development; Evaluation of mathematics instruction

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