2010 Volume 12 Number 2
Gender Related Differences in
Mathematics Teaching Anxiety

Murat Peker
College of Education, Afyon Kocatepe University, Turkey

Erdogan Halat
College of Education, Afyon Kocatepe University, Turkey

Şeref Mirasyedioğlu
Department of Mathematics, Baskent University, Turkey

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to investigate the gender-related differences in mathematics teaching anxiety. There were a total of 368 pre-service mathematics teachers, 199 middle and 169 high school pre-service mathematics teachers involved in this study. The researchers gave the participants a Likert-type questionnaire, the Mathematics Teaching Anxiety Scale (MATAS) that included 23 statements. After the collection of the data, the researchers used the independent samples t-test with in the analysis of the data. The study revealed that there was no statistically significant gender-related difference in mathematics teaching anxiety between pre-service male and female mathematics teachers, and that there was also no gender difference found in terms of mathematics teaching anxiety between pre-service male and female middle, and high school mathematics teachers.

Key words: Teaching Anxiety; Gender; Mathematics; Pre-service mathematics teachers

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