2010 Volume 12 Number 2
A Comparison of US and Chinese Middle Grades
Textbook Development of Fraction Concepts

Ye Sun
West Virginia University, USA

Gerald Kulm
Texas A&M University, USA

Abstract: This study compared US and Chinese middle grades textbooks using a theoretical framework developed by the American Association for the Advancement of Science for textbook analysis. Document analysis techniques were used to examine both textbooks using three criteria: developing mathematics ideas, promoting thinking in mathematics, and engaging students in mathematics. The US and Chinese textbooks differed significantly in all three areas. The US textbook employed more hands-on activities to develop fraction concepts than the Chinese textbook. The US textbook focused on part-whole and measure sub-constructs, while the Chinese textbook focused on part-whole and quotient sub-constructs. The US textbook contained more factual questions and fewer word problems than the Chinese textbook. The US textbook used many multiple representations, including real world connection, hands-on activities, and pictorial representations.

Key words: Chinese textbook; US textbook; Fraction; Representation; Comparison

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