2008 Volume 11 Number 1/2
A Morphology of Teacher Discourse in the Mathematics Classroom

Libby Knott
Washington State University, USA

Bharath Sriraman
The University of Montana, USA

Irv Jacob
Pullman, USA

Abstract: Discourse in mathematics classrooms is surprisingly complex and both student and teacher mathematical discourse contain distinct, identifiable elements. Student discourse is necessarily focused on understanding concepts and solving mathematical problems. Teacher discourse contains some of these same elements, but when examined critically it gives rise to major distinctions. Teacher discourse is directed at improving student understanding and also the logistics of the classroom, and thus is often meta-mathematical in nature. We shine a light on the tactics teachers use which are part of meta-mathematical discourse such as re-voicing, redirecting, questioning, and clarifying. Contrasts are explored between student and teacher discourse.

Key words: Discourse morphology; Discourse tactics; Discourse tools; Meta-mathematical discourse; Student discourse; Teacher discourse

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