2008 Volume 11 Number 1/2
Less Is More: Using Mathematical Conceptual Principles and Procedural Themes with Elementary Education Majors

Alan Zollman
Northern Illinois University, USA

Abstract: Architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe’s “less is more” architectural motif describes an aesthetic approach of emphasizing a building's frame by reducing the edifice. This paper argues for a similar philosophical vision in the teaching of mathematics. This article describes such a different philosophical design for elementary teachers’ content course – one that structures knowledge around major procedural themes, conceptual principles and facilitates learners to connect what they already know to new understandings. Results of 2700 students over 6 years show promise for a “less is more” methodology. Significant improvements occurred in procedural and conceptual knowledge, specifically with students’ computational skills and the pass-rates success.

Key words: Elementary mathematics education; Pre-service teachers, Primary school teachers; Content knowledge; Conceptual principles; Procedural themes; Mathematics curriculum

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