2008 Volume 11 Number 1/2
The Mental Mathematics of Trainee Teachers in the UK: Patterns and Preferences

Gwen Ineson
Brunel University, UK

Abstract: The mathematics curriculum in the UK has changed dramatically over the last ten years and mental calculation strategies have attained a dominant position in the primary curriculum. Drawing on data from a study of trainee teachers’ competence in mental mathematics, this study explores the implications of the change in curriculum focus for trainees’ capacity to work ‘connectedly’ within the context of mental mathematics. The results and analysis of the test of trainee teachers’ competence and their procedural preferences provide very little evidence of connected thinking. The differences and evidence of success associated with different operations suggest that they may experience and perceive mental mathematics, not as a whole, but as an assortment of disparate procedures. The study highlights the need to address the way in which calculation is covered on courses of initial teacher training.

Key words: Mental mathematics; Trainee teachers; Connected understanding; UK mathematics education

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