2007 Volume 10 Number 1
A Cooperative Learning Programme to Enhance Mathematical Problem Solving Performance among Secondary Three Students

Ho Geok Lan
National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Abstract:This article described a programme that aimed to enhance students’ mathematical problem-solving performance through cooperative learning. In the whole-class study, the researcher planned and implemented the cooperative problem-solving programme for 40 Secondary Three female students. Results using pre and post tests showed that the class scored better in problem-solving performance after the programme. The researcher further selected a group of four students to study individual student behaviours by audio-taping their discussions in order to identify metacognitive and affective behaviours during cooperative learning. The results revealed that the four students exhibited metacognitive behaviours such as asking for clarification, giving a suggestion, evaluating solutions; and affective behaviours such as persisting in the task, praising and encouraging when they solved problems in a group.

Key words:Cooperative learning; Problem solving; Learning strategies; Secondary students

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