Mathematics & Mathematics Education

12th MME Staff and Graduate Student Colloquium 2021
Date: Wednesday 10 November 2021
Time: 4.00 pm – 6.00 pm
Zoom links: (Math Education), (Mathematics)
Passcode to be announced through email later

Registration closes on 08 November 2021

Programme  |  Mathematics Education  |   Mathematics  |  Register


MME Privacy Protection Act Compliance

I understand that by proceeding with this registration, I hereby give consent to the Mathematics & Mathematics Education (MME) for the collection and use of my personal data declared in this form for the following purposes: 1) administration for the event; 2) for record keeping, statistical and research purposes; 3) to inform me of future activities. MME will not disclose or make my personal data available to a third party without consent, unless required to do so by law.

Any participant who wish to withdraw the consent, please contact the Organiser.
Please note, we will not be able to allow you to take part in the event if you withdraw consent.

Thank you! See you on Thursday 14 April 2022