Mathematics & Mathematics Education

Academic Staff

Toh Tin Lam | Head of MME | Associate Professor

Research Interests
His research interest in Mathematics involves using the generalized Riemann (or Henstock) approach in developing theory on stochastic integration and stochastic differential equations. His research interest in mathematics education includes teaching problem solving in school mathematics classrooms.

Toh Pee Choon | Deputy Head of MME | Associate Professor

Research Interests
His main research interest is Number Theory, specifically the theory of partitions, modular forms and elliptic functions. He is also interested in problem solving, the teaching of mathematics at the undergraduate level, as well as the use of technology in teaching.

Ang Keng Cheng | Dean, GPL | Associate Professor

Research Interests
His primary interest in research encompasses mathematical modelling in various biological and medical settings (such as blood flow problems, epidemics and tumour growth), as well as numerical and computational methods for partial differential equations. He is also interested in the teaching and learning of mathematical modelling.

Berinderjeet Kaur | Emeritus Professor | Professor

Research Interests
Her research interests include cognition and affect related to mathematical problem solving; classroom practices of expert and novice teachers; teacher learning and development of expertise viz-a-viz empirical studies of professional development programmes, professional learning communities and communities of practice. She is also interested in secondary analysis of data from comparative studies in mathematics education such as PISA and TIMSS.

Cai Yu Ling Elaine | Teaching Fellow

Research Interests
She is currently interested in the teaching and learning of primary mathematics; in particular, the misconceptions and learning difficulties in problem solving and strategies to overcome these challenges. She is also interested in students’ motivations and their affective, behavioral and cognitive outcomes of Mathematics learning.

Cheng Lu Pien | Assistant Dean, GPL | Senior Lecturer

Research Interests
Her research interests include the professional development of primary school mathematics teachers, tools and processes in mathematics education programmes for pre-service teachers. Her research interests also include children's thinking in the mathematics classrooms.

Choy Ban Heng | Assistant Professor

Research Interests
His research focuses on the practice of mathematics teaching, with a particular interest in what, and how, teachers notice when they make productive instructional decisions that promote students’ mathematical reasoning. More specifically, he is interested in developing teachers’ expertise in mathematical noticing during task design, orchestration of classroom discourses, and reflection of their teaching. Other research interests include use of technology in teaching and learning mathematics, teacher beliefs and knowledge with regard to promoting mathematical thinking, and teacher professional development activities such as Lesson Study.

Dong FengMing | Assistant Head (Math Research) | Associate Professor

Research Interests
His research interests are in graph theory and matroid theory, especially in the study of the relationship between structures and polynomials of graphs and matroids.

Ho Weng Kin | Associate Professor

Research Interests
His research interests include domain theory, exact real arithmetic, category theory, algebra, real analysis and applications of topology in computation theory.

Jahangeer Bin Mohamed Jahabar | Teaching Fellow

Research Interests
His research interests include assessments in mathematics, helping learners to appreciate and enjoy the learning of mathematics and fostering learners’ problem solving strategies in mathematics.

Lee Ngan Hoe | Associate Professor

Research Interests
His research interests include the teaching and learning of mathematics at primary and secondary levels, covering areas such as mathematics curriculum development, metacognition and mathematical problem solving / modelling, technology and mathematics education, and textbooks and mathematics education.

Leong Yew Hoong | Associate Professor

Research Interests
He is interested in mathematics education research that ‘works’ in classrooms, and other related fields such as teacher education, classroom research, problem solving.

Ng Kit Ee Dawn | Assistant Dean, OTE | Senior Lecturer

Research Interests
Her research interests include the use of contextualised tasks in the teaching and learning of mathematics, assessment modes in mathematics and fostering students’ mathematical thinking and metacognition.

Ng Wee Leng | Senior Lecturer

Research Interests
His main area of expertise is the use of information and communications technology, including graphing calculators and computer algebra systems, in teaching and learning mathematics and he was the principal investigator of the funded research project Teaching and Learning Calculus with the TI-Nspire.

Paul M.E.Shutler | Senior Lecturer

Research Interests
His research interests include computer modelling of discrete systems in statistical physics and combinatorial optimisation; analysis of hardware dependence in computer algorithms; design of coded aperture masks, decoding methods, signal to noise ratios.

Tay Eng Guan | Associate Professor

Research Interests
His research interests are in both areas of mathematics and mathematics education, and include Graph Theory (directed graphs in particular, and some work with Dong Fengming in graph polynomials), mathematical problem solving and mathematical curriculum development. He is interested in realising good mathematics, problem solving skills and thinking habits in the school mathematics curriculum.

Teo Kok Ming | Assistant Head (Math Teaching) | Senior Lecturer

Research Interests
He is currently interested in the teaching and learning of undergraduate mathematics; in particular, on misconceptions and learning difficulties of abstract mathematical concepts in calculus, linear algebra and abstract algebra, and in exploring ways to address these issues.

Yeo Boon Wooi Joseph | Senior Lecturer

Research Interests
His research interests include the use of guided-discovery approach, mathematical investigation, problem-based learning, and ICT (such as Geometer's Sketchpad, GeoGebra and LiveMath) in the teaching and learning of mathematics; statistics education; innovations in teaching, including the use of mathematical and logical games, puzzles, comics, real-life examples and applications.

Yeo Kai Kow, Joseph | Assistant Head (Math Ed Teaching) | Senior Lecturer

Research Interests
His research interests include mathematical problem solving in the primary and secondary levels, mathematics pedagogical content knowledge of teachers, mathematics teaching in primary schools and mathematics anxiety.

Zhao Dongsheng | Associate Professor

Research Interests
His research interests have been in order structures (domains and special posets and lattices), topology (general topology and intrinsic topologies on partially ordered sets) and real analysis (generalized Riemann integrals, Baire class one functions).

Zhu Tianming | Assistant Professor

Research Interests
Her research interests include hypothesis testing problem for high-dimensional data and multivariate functional data, supervised classification problem for functional data, synthesize tabular data using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and Variational Autoencoder (VAE), anomaly detection using Autoencoder and brain MRI classification problem.