Mathematics & Mathematics Education

Mathematics Qualifying Test

(For August 2024 Intake)

All Polytechnic Diploma holders who have been granted admission to the Bachelor of Science (Education) or Bachelor of Arts (Education) Programme at the National Institute of Education and who wish to read Mathematics as their Academic Subject are required to sit for a Mathematics Qualifying Test (MQT). Only those who perform satisfactorily in the MQT will be eligible to read Mathematics as their Academic Subject.

The MQT is a test of aptitude for solving mathematical problems. It covers all topics in Secondary School Elementary Mathematics and Additional Mathematics. In addition, questions on mathematical reasoning and logical thinking will be asked.

Please note that the MQT may be only taken once.

Test Dates and Venue

Test 1 Test 2
Date: Friday 10 May 2024
Time: 1.30pm - 3.00pm
Venue: NIE BLK7 TR716
Date: Tuesday 16 July 2024
Time: 1.30pm - 3.00pm
Venue: NIE BLK7 TR716

Please note:
-Please bring along your NRIC or Passport for identification purpose when you sit for the test.
-Please also bring along your pen and scientific calculator for the test.

Sample Questions

Click the following link to download a set of sample MQT questions:

MQTsample.pdf (You need Acrobat Reader to open the file)

Please note that the document above is intended to provide MQT candidates with an idea of some possible types of MQT items. The actual format of the MQT may differ from that of the sample provided.

Test Result (2024)

Results will be sent by MOE within one week.


For enquiries on the MQT, please contact:

Asst Prof Zhu Tianming