
Click here to download the LPYS Booklet

Timing Day 1
0900-0930 Registration
(Foyer of NIE Lecture Theatre 1)
0930-1000 Opening of Symposium by
Guest of Honour
Dr. Quek Jin Jong
Principal Officer, National Institute of Education Singapore

Ang Keng Cheng
Associate Professor
Head, Mathematics and Mathematics Education Academic Group
National Institute of Education
Nanyang Technological University

(NIE Lecture Theatre 1)
1000-1015 Video Tribute
1015-1145 Symposium Lecture 1 (Lecture Theatre 1)

Celebrating Mathematics

Lee Peng Yee
Associate Professor
National Institute of Education
Nanyang Technological University

Ng Wee Leng
National Institute of Education
Nanyang Technological University

1145-1200 Symposium Updates / House Keeping
(Lecture Theatre 1)
1200-1300 Lunch
(NIE Canteen)
Afternoon Students’ seminar Teachers’ seminar
1300-1400 Students’ Research Session 1 Talk (NIE Lecture Theatre 2)
1400-1500 Teachers’ Sharing Session 1
1500-1530 Afternoon Tea
(Foyer of NIE Lecture Theatre 1)
1530-1730 Students’ Research Session 2 Teachers’ Sharing Session 2

Timing Day 2
0900-0930 Registration
(Foyer of NIE Lecture Theatre 1)
0930-1030 Symposium Lecture (Lecture Theatre 2)

The Henstock Approach to the ITO Stochastic Integral
Emmanuel Cabral
Assistant Professor
Ateneo de Manila University

Toh Tin Lam
Associate Professor
National Institute of Education
Nanyang Technological University

1030-1200 Research Sessions
Mathematics Session 1
Mathematics Education Session 1
1200-1300 Lunch
(NIE Canteen)
1300-1500 Research Sessions
Mathematics Session 2
Mathematics Education Session 2
1500-1530 Afternoon Tea
(Foyer of NIE Lecture Theatre 1)
1530-1630 Symposium Lecture 3 (Lecture Theatre 2)

Important Attributes of Mathematics Educators
Lim-Teo Suat Khoh
Associate Professor
National Institute of Education
Nanyang Technological University

1630-1700 Panel Discussion
Panelist: Lee Peng Yee, Emmanuel Cabral, Lim-Teo Suat Khoh
(NIE Lecture Theatre 2)
1700-1730 Closing Address
1930-2130 Symposium Dinner

LPYS 2013 News

Click here for dinner venue.