
Symposium participants (18 to 19 November) can make the following types of presentations:

  • Students’ Research Papers
  • Teachers’ Presentation
  • Mathematics Research Papers
  • Mathematics Education Research Papers

Due Date Description
15 September 2013 Students’ research papers
Teachers’ presentation abstract
12 October 2013 All research papers due (both mathematics and mathematics education)

All papers will be accepted for presentation based on a review process.

Papers must be prepared and formatted using the symposium template and guidelines.

To Submit Your Paper

Please note that you need to register before submitting your papers.

Upon successful registration, you may proceed to upload your paper(s) electronically.

Please ensure that your submission is formatted using the symposium template and guidelines (see above) and read through the author checklist for any additional information.

For all paper submissions:

  • Each file should be no more than 5MB in size (preferably smaller).
  • Students’ Research Papers should be no more than 8 pages long.
  • Research Papers (Mathematics/Mathematics Education) should be no more than 10 pages long.
  • Abstract for Teachers’ Presentation should be no more than 100 words.


If you have questions about preparing your paper and/or uploading your paper, please contact

Review Process

The review process will take approximately 2 weeks. Authors will be informed of the outcome of the review process of their papers/presentation by email.

Description of submissions

Students’ Research Papers

Students’ research papers can take two major forms:

  • Report on preliminary findings and work-in-progress (group or individual effort) which carry high academic potential in the topic of mathematics concern; or
  • Report on new mathematics results, new proofs of existing results; new approaches to existing problems.

Teachers’ Presentation

For teachers’ presentation, an abstract of no more than 100 words detailing the coverage of issues shared in the intended presentation must be submitted. They must be submitted using the symposium template. Presenters are encouraged to prepare a paper based on the presentation for distribution at the symposium.

Research papers (Mathematics/Mathematics Education)


Research papers can take two major forms:
  • Reports on new mathematical results, new proofs of existing results; new approaches to existing problems; or
  • Reports that gives an extensive survey on an existing field or subfield of mathematics, giving new insights into its development.

Mathematics education

Research papers can take two major forms:

  • Reports based on empirical investigations; or
  • Reports that are non-empirical investigations such as
    • A theoretical discussion;
    • A position paper;
    • A scholarly enquiry in progress;
    • A survey paper or meta-study;
    • An account of a new educational initiative;
    • A reflective critique of practice; or
    • Any hybrid of the above or other accepted scholarly forms.

General requirements for submissions

All submissions to the symposium should contain the following:

  • A statement of the problem/issue and an account of its importance;
  • A scholarly review of existing literature and how it relates to the present discussion;
  • Concluding remarks and applications to mathematics/mathematics education obtained from the research findings.

Only scholarly works that are substantially different from previously published works will be considered for presentation or publication at the symposium.

All submissions (students’ research papers, teachers’ presentation abstract, research papers) will be reviewed by a panel approved by the symposium committee. The refereeing process is to ensure quality publication in the domain of mathematics and mathematics education. The editorial team will exercise its own discretion in handling the reviewing process. Reviewers’ comments will be returned to the authors. Authors whose submissions are accepted for presentation will be informed. Submissions may be rejected outright with no opportunity for presentation at the symposium. Late submissions will not be entertained.

Mathematics papers (students’ research papers or research papers) may alternatively be typeset using MiKTeX or LaTeX (applying the common amsproc document class, see In addition to the .tex file submitted, please include the corresponding pdf file.

LPYS 2013 News

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