Workshops - Secondary / Junior College

Workshops - Secondary / Junior College
Prof Yoshinori Shimizu
University of Tsukuba, Japan

Title: Defining, extending, and creating: Key experiences in mathematics
Click here for the abstract
Dr Marian Kemp,
Murdoch University, Australia

Title: Learning algebra and geometry through ICT
Click here for the abstract
Prof Kim Beswick
University of Tasmania, Australia

Title: What do teachers need to know to provide worthwhile learning experiences in mathematics
Click here for the abstract
Prof Wong Khoon Yoong
National Institute of Education, Singapore

Title: Enhancing student motivation in mathematics through teacher-developed framework
Click here for the abstract
Prof David Chew
National University of Singapore, Singapore

Title: Probability through games
Click here for the abstract
Dr Hang Kim Hoo
NUS High School, Singapore

Title: Problem solving and posing as context for developing mathematical habits of mind
Click here for the abstract
Prof Berinderjeet Kaur
National Institute of Education, Singapore

Title: Developing learning experiences through mathematics trails
Click here for the abstract
Prof Jaguthsing Dindyal
National Institute of Education, Singapore

Title: Enhancing students’ learning of geometry at the secondary level
Click here for the abstract
Prof Tay Eng Guan
National Institute of Education, Singapore

Title: Learning mathematical induction through experiencing authentic problem solving
Click here for the abstract
Prof Kwon Oh Nam
Seoul National University, Korea

Title: Experiencing mathematical modeling of astronomical events using spreadsheets
Click here for the abstract

Prof Yoshinori Shimizu
University of Tsukuba, Japan

Title: Defining, extending, and creating: key experiences in mathematics


In mathematics a definition is simply an agreement that makes clear the meaning attached to a certain word or symbol. It plays critical roles in understanding concepts, in reasoning, in problem solving, and in communicating with others. Moreover, examining a definition of a mathematical term at the phase of extending the meaning of a concept or creating a new concept for going into an expanded system are key experiences in mathematics. However, our students seem to have some difficulties in using definitions in various contexts of learning mathematics, while they have few experience of extending the existing world of mathematics. In this workshop, a series of tasks, mostly at the level of junior or senior high school, will be given and discussed to illustrate rich experiences in defining, extending, and creating in mathematics. The participants are invited to work on examining and creating definitions of various mathematical objects, including familiar quadrilaterals such as a kite and "boomerang", and on extending meanings of numbers in certain number systems to experience the process of extending and creating a world of mathematics.