Keynote Lectures
Keynote Lecture I
Prof Low Cheng Hock
Tan Tock Seng Hospital (Singapore)

Title: Teaching maths beyond formulae – the HARDWARE and the HEARTWARE of teaching
Click here for the abstract
Keynote Lecture II
Prof Jeremy Hodgen
King’s College London, UK

Title: Learning experiences designed to develop algebraic thinking
Click here for the abstract
Keynote Lecture III
Prof Victor Tan
National University of Singapore, Singapore

Title: Ten ways to enhance learning experience in mathematics
Click here for the abstract
Keynote Lecture IV
Prof Toh Tin Lam
National Institute of Education, Singapore

Title: Learning experience and the learning of secondary school mathematics
Click here for the abstract
Keynote Lecture V
Prof Zhao Dongsheng
National Institute of Education, Singapore

Title: Can we have more proofs in junior college mathematics?
Click here for the abstract
Keynote Lecture VI
Prof Margaret Brown
King’s College London, UK

Title: Learning experiences designed to develop multiplicative reasoning
Click here for the abstract
Keynote Lecture VII
Dr Joseph Yeo Kai Kow
National Institute of Education, Singapore

Title: Making sense of number sense: creating learning experiences for primary pupils to develop their number sense
Click here for the abstract

Prof Low Cheng Hock
National University of Singapore, Singapore

Title: Teaching maths beyond formulae – the HARDWARE and the HEARTWARE of teaching


Teaching needs both hardware and heartware. The hardware refers to knowledge, methodology, skills, simulation, technology, computers etc. The heartware refers to passion, enthusiasm, trust, empowerment, the human touch. Hardware makes you an instructor, heartware creates in you an inspirational compassionate teacher. This lecture will be illustrated with lessons learned from journeying with students.