About Early Researchers' Day (ERD)

The aim of the ERD is to provide early career researchers with opportunities to develop their research skills in various fields, establish new contacts, build networks among themselves and with respect to future PME conferences, and meet and work with international experts in the field. The 2017 ERD will be held on the afternoon of Sunday July 16, 2017 and the morning of Monday July 17, 2017 at the Nanyang Executive Centre and the campus of the National Institute of Education respectively. The day is being organized by Chua Boon Liang (LOC member) and Wim van Dooren (PME representative).

ERD is open to PME participants. The ERD organising committee is now inviting PME participants to express their interest in participating in this event. Details of the workshops are available below. As there are limited places, priority will be given to current PhD students and those who had completed/are completing their PhD between 2014 and Jun 2017. To register for ERD, click on the Registration link at the bottom of this webpage.

In mid-April 2017 when the review outcomes of the research reports are announced, you will be notified if you are selected to attend ERD. You are then required to make the full registration by 15 May 2017 to confirm your participation in ERD. Failing which your place will be given to another interested participant on the waiting list. If you wish to withdraw from ERD or are unable to attend ERD after confirmation of your participation, we will appreciate it very much if you can inform us via email (Chua Boon Liang: boonliang.chua@nie.edu.sg; Wim van Dooren: wim.vandooren@kuleuven.be). We will then assign your place to another interested participant on the waiting list.

Route map to NEC

Route map to NEC by taxi

Route map to NEC by Train or Bus


Sun 16 July

Mon 17 July


13 30 – 14 30 Registration

14 30 – 16 00 Video Analysis & Maths Classroom Research
(Profs David Clarke, Esther Chan, Carmel Mesiti and
Gaye Williams )

16 00 – 16 30 Afternoon Tea

16 30 – 18 00 Parallel Session 1: Giving flesh and emotions to cold, hard quantitative data
(Prof Wee Tiong Seah)

16 30 – 18 00 Parallel Session 2: Structured Networking Activity
(Profs Wim Van Dooren and Boon Liang Chua)

After 18 00     Dinner

09 00 – 10 30 Publishing in MEd journals
(Panelists: Profs Dindyal Jaguthsing, Wim Van Dooren, Fou-Lai Lin,
Charles Hohensee)

10 30 – 11 00 Morning Tea

11 00 – 12 30 Parallel Session 3: Practical considerations when planning Design-based research
(Prof Caroline Yoon)

11 00 – 12 30 Parallel Session 4: Eye Tracking technology
(Objective Eyetracking together with Prof Wim Van Dooren)
(open to other PME participants, registration required)

12 30 – 14 00 Lunch


Representatives from Objective Eye Tracking with assistance from Prof Wim van Dooren.

University of Leuven

Eye tracking technology

This workshop will primarily give an overview of the different modern eye tracking technologies (desk-mounted and wearables) available today and how this can be used in mathematical research. Topics covered are how these eye trackers work, eye tracking research design in mathematics education research, set up of eye trackers, recording a session and a brief overview of the different data points available for analysis.

Attendees should reflect on how they think they could use eye tracking data in a particular study that they would like to do, and bring this proposal with them into the workshop. There will be a hands-on demo with the two types of eye trackers and attendees can experiment with the equipment in relation to a selection of these designs.

Prof Wee Tiong Seah

University of Melbourne

Giving flesh and emotions to cold, hard quantitative data

The collection, analysis and interpretation of quantitative data are often thought of as being objective and impartial. The same process and consideration are expected to apply to different research situations. As wrote, “by remaining several steps removed from the people from whom the data has been obtained, … quantitative researchers argue that they are upholding research standards that are at once empirically rigorous, impartial, and objective” (Rao & Woolcock, 2003, p. 166). More recently, however, both these claims to validity and reliability are being challenged. For example, how are the results valid when they do not take into account cultural idiosyncrasies and relativity? Also, isn’t a study still replicable if adjustments for cultural factors are explicitly and openly listed? In this workshop, participants will examine a few examples of quantitative studies where the strength in the findings would have been boosted further if cultural factors were taken into account. Participants will also discuss and explore ways in which quantitative data can be collected, analysed and interpreted in ways which are culturally sensitive, thus optimising research strength.

Prof Caroline Yoon

University of Auckland

Practical considerations when planning Design Based Research

This workshop is for researchers interested in conducting a Design Based Research (DBR) project. We will discuss questions that have practical implications for planning DBR, such as:

  • What is a design cycle, and how many are involved in a DBR project?
  • How do I know if my design is getting any better?
  • What is the role of theory, and how can we increase the likelihood of generating theory?
  • Is the researcher also the designer? Or is the teacher/student/other participant the designer?
  • What kinds of products are anticipated in DBR?
  • What kinds of data are collected and analysed in DBR?
  • How do I report results from DBR projects?

Prof Jaguthsing Dindyal

National Institute of Education Singapore

Prof Wim Van Dooren

University of Leuven

Publishing in math ed journals – Looking behind the curtains

One of the major challenges for early researchers in mathematics education is to start publishing in international, peer-reviewed scientific journals. In this session, we will organize a panel with editors of various journals (for e.g. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education). The panelists will shortly explain the scope of their journal, and clarify how manuscripts are handled. Examples of questions that may be addressed are: Which journal should I choose? How does the editor decide whether a manuscript fits the journal or not? How are reviewers chosen, and which reviewers could I expect for my work? What are the most frequent reasons for rejections without review? What are frequent comments raised by reviewers?

Prof Wim Van Dooren

University of Leuven

Prof Boon Liang Chua

National Institute of Education Singapore

Structured Networking Activity

One of the important goals for the PME Early Researchers’ day is that participants can establish new contacts, and are able to build up a scientific network. While the social programme of the ERD provides opportunity to get to know the other participants better, there were repeatedly requests to build in structured opportunities for participants to have an exchange with each other about your research, ideas, and plans.

In this session, we will set up a kind of “speed dating” format in which you will be able to talk to a few other participants who have some common research interests. We will attempt to create meaningful grouping, based on the background information (research topics and methods) that you provide during registration.

Profs David Clarke, Esther Chan, Carmel Mesiti

University of Melbourne

Gaye Williams

Deakin University

Video Analysis and Mathematics Classroom Research

Video data are becoming more widespread as a data source in educational research, particularly classroom research. The workshop presents three different perspectives on video analysis in relation to mathematics classroom.

The first perspective concerns data types and draws on an investigation of the social interaction of Year 7 students during collaborative problem solving in mathematics. This project collected multiple forms of data including student written products and video and audio recordings of students and their teacher in the classroom. Sample data collected from the project will be used to stimulate discussion regarding the analytical options afforded by different data types.

The second workshop component examines the video analysis of the lesson event “Beginning the Lesson” with particular attention to the following four stages:

  • Finding and creating codes
  • Coding with timelines
  • Combining and rationalising codes
  • From behaviour patterns to generalisable models.

Finally, large-scale quantitative analyses of classroom talk across classrooms in eight countries will be used to examine the conclusions that can legitimately be drawn from the aggregation of results across classrooms and cultures. Concerns and principles governing the aggregation of video analyses will be related to studies and settings familiar to workshop participants.


Please click on the link below to register your interest in participation:
Registration has closed