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BERNHARD RIEMANN (1826 - 1866)
Bernhard Riemann was a great German mathematician. "He became convinced that mathematical theory could link magnetism, light, gravitation, and electricity and suggested field theories, in which the space surrounding electrical charges may be mathematically described. While continuing to develop unifying mathematical themes in the laws of physics, he created Riemannian geometry (or elliptic geometry), which proved essential to A. Einstein's model of space time in relativity theory. Riemann surfaces, Riemann integrals, and Riemann curvature, among other concepts, contributed to the understanding of curves and surfaces, as well as of calculus. With C. Gauss, Riemann helped establish Göttingen's reputation as a world leader in mathematical research. His work widely influenced geometry and analysis." (Encyclopædia Britannica)

You can find out more about Bernhard Riemann from the following sites. If they are outdated, click here to do a search.

(1)    Biography -
(2)    Biography and His Works -
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