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QCM 521
Teaching and Learning Mathematics II

Module Structure

Tutorials (18 × 2 hr) Hands-on sessions on assessment in mathematics, test construction and marking in the secondary mathematics curriculum. This module will also provide opportunity for trainees to teach mathematics topics and practise their teaching skills. Feedback will be given by the tutor and fellow trainees. They will be expected to put into practice the strategies and methods learnt during the course. Special attention will be given to the ability to explain concepts. Post-practicum tutorials will be reflection sessions on teaching practice.



Lee, P. Y. (Ed.) (2005) Teaching Secondary School Mathematics: A Resource Book. McGraw-Hill Education




  • Posamentier, A. S. & Stepelman, J. (2002) Teaching Secondary School Mathematics: Techniques and Enrichment Units. (6th edition) N.J.: Merrill
  • Sobel, M. A. & Maletsky, E. M. (1999) Teaching Mathematics, A Sourcebook of Aids, Activities and Strategies. (3rd edition) Prentice Hall
  • Billstein, R. et al (2001). A Problem-Solving Approach to Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers (7 th edition). Addison-Wesley
  • Orton, A. (1992) Learning Mathematics: Issues, Theory and Classroom Practice. (2nd edition) Cassell Academic.


Syllabus & Textbooks (redspot)

  • Mathematics Syllabus:
  • Exploring Mathematics – Sec 1, 2, 3, 4 Special/Express, N(A), N(T) Textbook, Teacher’s edition & Workbook. (QA39.2)
  • New Syllabus Mathematics (5 th edition) – Sec 1, 2, 3, 4. (QA39.2 Teh)
  • New Mathematics Counts – Sec 1, 2, 3, 4 N(A) Textbook. (QA39.21 Tay)
  • New Additional Mathematics Textbook. (QA39.24 Ho)
  • New Syllabus Additional Mathematics (7 th edition) Textbook. (QA39.24 Teh)



  • Australian Mathematics Teacher (QA11 AMT) – Teaching ideas at secondary level.
  • Mathematics in School (QA11 MS) – Articles and activities for primary and secondary.
  • Mathematical Medley (QA1 MM) – A publication of the Singapore Mathematical Society (SMS).
  • Mathematical Newsletter (QA11 MN) – A publication of MOE for primary and secondary mathematics teachers. Electronic version: http://intranet.moe.edu.sg/maths/Newsletter
  • Mathematics Teacher (QA11 MTR) – Very useful for secondary to JC level, American style.
  • Mathematics Teaching in the Middle Schools (QA11 MTMS) – Articles and teaching ideas at the upper primary and lower secondary level. More at http://my.nctm.org/eresources/index.asp
  • The Mathematics Educator (QA11 ME) – A publication of the Association of Mathematics Educators, Singapore (AME).
  • Teaching Mathematics and its Applications (QA11 TMA) – JC and college levels.
  • Teaching Statistics (HA1 TS) – Teaching ideas for statistics at various levels.


Supplementary Materials

Note: These materials will be made available at a later date.
  • Specimen Paper (Don't need it this year)
  • Revised Syllabus (Express)
  • OHT on the 3 cognitive domains
  • Abbreviations Used in Mark Schemes
  • A Guide to Completing Task II (Last Revised on 3 Jan 2005)
  • Defects in Test Items (Distributed in class)
  • Modifying Exam Questions (Don't need it this year)
  • Marking Scheme Flow Chart
  • Slides on Drafting Mark Scheme & Marking
  • Sample Paper Mark Scheme (Not yet!)
  • Another Guide to Marking

Other Items


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