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PCM 514
Teaching and Learning Mathematics II

Description of Assignment Tasks and Assessment Criteria

Task I
Micro-teaching ( 50% )

Each student has to present a 15-minute teaching segment of a secondary mathematics lesson (two periods). The key components of this task are lesson preparation; the delivery of the microteaching segment and reflection and feedback on the effectiveness of the task.

The criteria for assessment are as follows:

a. Lesson preparation (20%) - delineating learning objectives, selection and sequencing of content, relevance and accuracy (please submit lesson plan for the entire lesson).

b. Delivery (30%) - organization, questioning technique, clarity of explanation, pace of lesson, use of teaching aids, innovative learning activities.

Task II
Test Construction Skills ( 40% )

Throughout the course, you will learn and practise a variety of skills necessary to set tests and be able to effectively assess your pupils work in mathematics. In particular, you will be expected to produce the following items for grading, some of which may be done during in-calss workshops and some which may require out of class work.

Item 1 [ 5% ]

Prepare a table of specifications for a class test based on a given scheme of work.

Item 2 [ 15% ]

A. Given a set of test items, identify the relevant specific instructional objectives (learning outcomes) and cognitive levels of four (4) of the items. For identification of cognitive level, justify your classification.

B. For a given set of six (6) specific instructional objectives, create (or modify from other sources) relevant test items - include two (2) each of short answer, structured and unstructured question types.

Item 3 [ 10% ]

From a given set of stems pick two (2) and for each stem:

a. Generate questions that assess the different cognitive levels for low ability pupils
b. Generate questions that assess different cognitive levels for high ability pupil,
c. generate questions that assess different specific instructional (test objectives).

For each item, state the specific instructional objectives it is intended to test and provide a complete solution

Item 4 [ 10% ]
A. For three (3) given test items, prepare their mark schemes.

B. Using a given mark scheme, grade students' solutions.


Supplementary Materials

  • Specimen Paper (Don't need it this year)
  • Revised Syllabus (Express)
  • OHT on the 3 cognitive domains
  • Abbreviations Used in Mark Schemes
  • A Guide to Completing Task II (Last Revised on 3 Jan 2005)
  • Defects in Test Items (Distributed in class)
  • Modifying Exam Questions (Don't need it this year)
  • Marking Scheme Flow Chart
  • Slides on Drafting Mark Scheme & Marking
  • Sample Paper Mark Scheme (Not yet!)
  • Another Guide to Marking

Other Items

Task III
Reflection (10%)

For each micro-teaching session write a reflection of about 30 words; possibly to

a. summarise the strengths and weaknesses of the lesson,
b. highlight some learning points derived from observating the lesson,
c. suggest how effectiveness of the lesson can be enhanced.


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