About Me


Courses that I have taught or am currently teaching include:

Content Mathematics
  • Calculus (BA/BSc)
  • Computational Mathematics (BA/BSc)
  • Numerical Analysis (BA/BSc)
  • Differential Equations (BA/BSc)
  • Partial Differential Equations (BA/BSc)
  • Modelling with ODEs and PDEs (BA/BSc)
  • Special Topics in Mathematics (Honours)
  • Topics in Mathematical Methods (Honours)
  • Advanced Calculus and Applications for Educators (MSc)
  • Computing Techniques and Programming (MSc)
Mathematics Education and Pedagogy
  • Teaching and Learning of Secondary Mathematics
  • Assessment and Test Construction in Secondary Mathematics
  • Teaching and Learning of Computer Applications
  • Using IT in Mathematics Education (MEd course)
  • Introduction to Maple
  • Calculus for Secondary Teachers
  • Differential Equations for JC teachers
  • Mathematical Modelling for JC teachers
  • Teaching of Mathematical Modelling for Secondary teachers


Here's a list of some of the research activities, presentations and projects that I have been involved in over the years.

Plenary, Keynote and Invited Lectures
  • Keynote lecture entitled "Mathematical Modelling: Process, Practice and Pedagogy" at the Annual Convention of the Mathematical Society of the Philippines (Cebu, Philippines), 2016.
    Slides for talk are available here.

  • Invited lecture entitled "Computer Programming and Mathematics" at UGM Mathematics Colloquium (Yogyakarta, Indonesia), 2014.

  • Keynote lecture entitled "Mathematical Modelling with High School Mathematics" at the 2nd International Conference of Mathematics and Technology in Mathematics Education (Phnom Penh, Cambodia), 2013.

  • Plenary Speech entitled "Professional Development for Teachers in Mathematical Modelling" at the Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics (Yogyakarta, Indonesia), 2014.

  • Keynote lecture entitled "Student Projects in Mathematical Modelling" at the Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics Korean Chapter (Korea), 2013.

  • Keynote lecture entitled "Mathematical Modelling and technology in Singapore Schools" at the Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics Taiwan Chapter (Hsinchu, Taiwan), 2011.

  • Invited lecture entitled "Mathematics Teachers Preparation" at Mathematics and Science Education Colloquium (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia), 2012.

  • Plenary Speech entitled "A quasi-stochastic diffusion-reaction dynamic model for tumour growth" at the 6th SEAMS-GMU International Conference on Mathematics and Its Applications (Yogyakarta, Indonesia), 2011.

  • Plenary Speech entitled "Teaching and learning mathematical modelling with technology" at the Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics (Malaysia), 2010.

  • Keynote lecture entitled "Experiencing, Teaching and Learning mathematical Modelling" at the second Lee Peng Yee Symposium (Singapore), 2010.
    View video of lecture.

  • Invited lecture entitled "Analysis of a Tumour Growth Model with MATLAB" at Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics (China), 2009.
    Slides for talk are available here.

  • Invited to give a series of lectures on Research in Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Modelling at the University of Gajah Mada (Indonesia), 2009.

  • Keynote lecture entitled "Problem Solving and Mathematical Modellling" at the Mathematics Teachers Conference (Singapore), 2008.
    View video of lecture.

  • Invited lecture entitled "Modelling with real data and technology" at Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics (Taiwan), 2007.

  • Invited to give a lecture on Mathematical modelling at the Singapore Polytechnic, 2007.

  • Invited by Natural Sciences and Science Education group, NIE, to speak on "Mathematical modelling as an example of Mathematics Research in Practice" in 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007.

  • Keynote speaker for talk entitled "Enrichment Activities in Mathematics" at Mathematics Cluster Workshop held at Fairfield Methodist Secondary School, 2000.

  • Keynote speaker for Mathematics Enrichment Seminar for Gifted Education Programme (GEP) Pupils held at Anglo-Chinese School (Independent), 1999.

Other Talks and Workshops
  • Presented a talk on "Mathematics Education and the Pre-service Mathematics teacher" at the University of Auckland, 2006

  • Visited the Department of Mathematics, University of Auckland, New Zealand, as an honorary research associate from May 2006 to December 2006

  • Presented an invited talk entitled "A finite difference formulation for a traffic flow model" at the Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics (Korea), 2005

  • Conducted a workshop on "Mathematics and EXCEL – a workshop for teachers" at the East Zone Mathematics Sharing Day organized by the East Zone Centre of Excellence (Mathematics), 2005

  • Presented a talk entitled "Mathematics with EXCEL" at the Mathematics Learning Festival organized by the East Zone Centre of Excellence (Mathematics), 2004

  • Presented a paper on "Applications of deterministic models in the study of dengue spread in Singapore" at the 4th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (Sydney, Australia), 2003

  • Presented a paper on "Web-Linkage of Course Notes of Mathematical Modules for Dynamic Exploration" in ERA-AME-AMIC joint conference (Singapore), 2000

  • Presented two papers entitled "Modelling the spread of dengue in Singapore" and "An analysis of the model for dengue transmission with two strains" at the Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics (Thailand), 2000

  • Presented talk on "Optical Illusion and Mathematics" at National Junior College, 2000

  • Presented talk entitled "Seeing Things: Visual Perception and Mathematics" for West Zone Mathematics Teachers, Fajar Secondary School, 1999

  • Presented a paper "The Use of Maple in First Year Undergraduate Mathematics" at the MERA-ERA Joint Conference (Malaysia), 1999

  • Presented a talk on "Mathematics Trail" at Monfort Secondary School, 1998

  • Presented a paper "Modelling blood flow through curved arteries with asymmetric stenoses" at the 3rd Biennial Engineering Mathematics and Applications Conference (Adelaide, Australia), 1998

  • Presented a paper "Modelling of blood flow through stenosed arteries using C.F.D." at the 8th International Conference of Biomedical Engineering (Singapore), 1994

  • Presented a paper "Effects of relative severity and geometrical shapes of multiply stenosed arteries on flow of blood" at the Conference on Engineering and Physical Sciences in Medicine (Perth, Australia), 1994

  • Presented a paper entitle "Blood flow through stenosed arteries" at the World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), 1994

Funded Projects

Funded projects that I have undertaken include the following.

  • Principal Investigator for project "Mathematical Modelling in Singapore Schools: From Research to Practics" (2016-2018), RS-SAA Fund, Grant Amount: $113,117.73

  • Co-Principal Investigator for project "Design and implementation of an exact real and complex scientific calculator in Haskell" (2011-2013), Academic Research Fund, RP 1/10 HWK, Grant Amount: $50,000.00

  • Co-Principal Investigator for project "A new computational model for the pricing of multiple products" (2009-2011), Academic Research Fund, RI 1/08 SWM, Grant Amount: $84,069.00

  • Principal Investigator for project "Mathematical Modelling of the Spread of Dengue in Singapore" (1999-2001), ENV-NTU Joint Research Grant, Grant Amount: $56,400.00

  • Collaborator in project "Learning Mathematics Through Connection and Exploration" (1999-2002), NIE Research Fund, Grant Amount: $41,610.00

  • Collaborator in project "Artificial Heart Valve: Development of a Pericardial Valve Mould and Holder" (1997-2001), Academic Research Fund ARC 13/96, Grant Amount: $555,556.00


Scholarships and Awards Won
  • Nanyang Education Award (School) (2014)

  • 20 Years Long Service Award (2014)

  • 15 Years Long Service Award (2010)

  • 10 Years Long Service Award (2004)

  • NIE Excellence in Teaching Commendation Award (2000, 2001, 2015)

  • Nominated for "Teacher of the Year Award (NTU)" (2000, 2001)

  • Kenneth-Clarke Award for Best Paper in the Journal of ACPSEM (1991)

  • Overseas Postgraduate Research Scholarship for PhD studies in Australia awarded by the Australian Government (1993-1996)

  • Adelaide University Scholarship (1993-1996)

  • Singapore Government Scholarship for undergraduate studies in Australia (1982-1985)

Social Media


Visit my YouTube channel, to watch videos of some of my talks and lectures on topics like mathematical modelling, problem solving in mathematics, and sorting algorithms.