Professor Dong Fengming’s Homepage



Professor Dong Fengming

Department of Mathematics and Mathematics Education

National Institute of Education

Nanyang Technological University

1 Nanyang Walk

Singapore 637616













·      Course Information (for my students)

·      Graduate courses for mathematics

·      Math on the web

·      Some useful  Links







·      Research interests: Graph-functions (chromatic polynomials, flow polynomials, matching polynomials, independence polynomials, Tutte polynomials, Jones polynomials, etc), Matchings, Spanning trees, Parking functions, hypergraphs,  crossing numbers, Anti-ramsey numbers,  domination, etc.


·      Personal list of open problems on chromatic polynomials


·      Representative articleProof of  the shameful conjecture  


·      Whole list of publications (books and papers)


·      Publications reviewed by AMS


·      Invited talks and Academic visits and visitors  




Constant effort yields sure success



“Perhaps I could best describe my experience of doing mathematics in terms of entering a dark mansion. You go into the first room and it is dark, completely dark. You stumble around, bumping into the furniture. Gradually, you learn where each piece of furniture is. And finally, after six months or so, you find the light switch and turn it on. Suddenly, it is all illuminated and you see exactly where you were. Then you enter the next dark room …”.

Andrew Wiles