Workshops - Junior College

Theme: Mathematics – Connections and Beyond

J1: Investigating calculus with digital technology

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Prof Mike Thomas

Basic functions, such as polynomials, along with their derivatives and antiderivatives, have properties that we may often not expose our students to, due to the lack of a clear algebraic procedure or the difficulty level of such a procedure. In this workshop we will investigate some examples related to ‘A’ level mathematics through a series of tasks where digital technology, such as a graphic calculator (access to a TI-83, or similar would be useful), can help build understanding.

J2: Computer Literacy Using Yabasic

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Dr Paul Shutler

Being able to programme computers (coding) is now widely accepted as a key 21st Century skill, yet most modern programming languages which are taught to beginners (e.g. Python, Ruby, C++, Java) in fact have a remarkably steep learning curve, which makes them unsuitable as a choice of first language, especially for children. A notable exception is Yabasic ( which is a modern, updated version of Basic, retaining all the good pedagogical features of the latter, while rectifying many of its drawbacks (e.g. line numbering). Attendees at this workshop will: 1) receive a crash course in the Yabasic language, 2) learn how to apply Yabasic to solve some simple yet interesting mathematical problems, and 3) compare it with some of the more popular alternatives to see why Yabasic is a better choice of first programming language for beginners.

J3: Computational Thinking in Math: To be or not to be, that’s the question.

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Prof Ho Weng Kin

In this workshop, we consider the potentialities of infusing Computational Thinking (CT) in Singapore Mathematics Classrooms. Teachers’ concerns about feasibility, implementation issues, and benefits vs difficulties regarding CT in Math will be discussed. In particular, we share with mathematics teachers concrete ways in which CT-based lessons can be designed and implemented in math classrooms without heavy overheads, such as knowledge in programming languages and coding.

J4: On Vectors, Matrices and Systems of Linear Equations

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Prof Victor Tan

Vectors, Matrices and Systems of Linear Equations are the key mathematical objects under the topic of linear algebra. Lower dimensional cases of these concepts are covered in both H2 Math and Further Math syllabus. These are important foundation to be built in order to better prepare the students when the learn linear algebra at the university level, which is essential for all STEM courses. In this workshop, we will discuss some of the difficulty students have when learning these concepts, and how we can help students to visualize the concepts as well as to see the connection among them.

J5: Probability through R

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Prof Yap Von Bing

R is a free computing language which is widely used by the statistical community for data analysis. Participants will learn enough of the basic commands and structure to prepare simulated data sets to teach the essential ideas of probability to JC students, though much of the content is also applicable to the secondary school curriculum. R can also be helpful for administrative work, for analysis and visualization of various data types. Participants should bring a computing device larger than a mobile phone, with R preinstalled. Search "R download" for the source file.

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