Mathematics Instruction: Goals, Tasks and Activities

Date / Fees

Conference Date

Date : 1st June (Thursday) 2017
Time : 8am - 5pm
Venue : Nanyang Technological University / National Institute of Education ( Map )

Conference Fees

AME / SMS Members : $120
AME / SMS Corporate Members : first two participants @$120/- each; the rest @ $140/- each
Non-AME / SMS Members :$140


Participants of MTC2017 can attend Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference (RPC2017) at a special rate. In order to enjoy this special rate, you would need to print out the confirmation of your registration and submit it together with the special registration form to

Instructions to print out confirmation of your registration for MTC2017:
Log on to with your User Name and Password. Click the button on the top right corner that says 'Confirmation of Registration'.

RPC2017 Website:

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