Workshops - Primary

Theme: Empowering Mathematics Learners
Venue: National Institute of Education, Singapore

Time : 1045 - 1245

P1 : Giving voice to students in your classroom (Room No: TR 715)

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Prof Glenda Anthony
Massey University, New Zealand

Abstract: Empowering mathematics learners requires that students develop agency—that is, that they feel empowered in their learning and can effectively control their own learning. In this workshop we will look at a range of instructional strategies that enable teachers to support students to be active and engaged learners in the mathematics classroom. In particular, we will look at how teachers can give voice to students through the use of group worthy tasks that support diverse students to make meaningful contributions. In supporting student engagement we look at how teachers work to notice and respond to students’ thinking though positioning students as competent, providing thinking time, and valuing their thoughts and reasoning in progress. Providing space for students’ voices also means that we need to support students to actively listen. In the context of group work and strategy sharing we will also look at some instructional moves that support students to listen better; specifically supporting students in knowing how to listen and what to do with what they hear, as well as how we can frame errors as desirable contributions.

P2: Empowering mathematical learners in the primary mathematics classrooms (Cauchy Lab [7-B1-14])

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Dr Cheng Lu Pien
National Institute of Education (Singapore)

Abstract: This workshop will focus on using a range of activities that are meaningful and engaging for empowering mathematical learners in the Primary Mathematics classrooms. Participants will engage in a variety of activities that can be used to empower students’ learning in the mathematics classrooms. Links will be made with the Singapore mathematics curriculum for participants to think more critically on how these activities achieve curriculum objectives.

P3: Exploring the use of representations in mathematics to develop mathematical thinking (Room No: TR 721)

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Dr. Palanisamy K. Veloo; Prof. Dr. Parmjit Singh
SEGi University, Kota Damansara Malaysia and MARA University of Technology, Malaysia

Abstract: This workshop discusses the use of multiple representations to develop mathematical thinking in the teaching and learning of mathematics at the primary level. Multiple representations can be divided into purposeful representations and contextual representations. Purposeful representational tasks involves teachers’ use of concrete models, diagrams, pictures, ICT, verbal and symbolic representations not only to exemplify the mathematics but also to illustrate the mathematical concepts. Such tasks are associated with good traditional mathematics teaching (see Watson & Mason, 1998). The mathematical purpose is clear and the models and representations are linked directly and explicitly to the mathematical concepts the teacher wishes to convey. The teacher needs to go beyond just using representation to the thinking skills that has to be abstracted from the representation that is used by the teacher. Contextual representation tasks (story and real world examples) helps the teacher situate mathematics within a contextualized practical problem where the motive is explicitly mathematics. The context serves the twin purposes of showing how mathematics is used to make sense of the world and motivating students to solve the task. This workshop discusses how questioning students on contextual representations can lead to the development of mathematical thinking in young children.

P4: Empowering students through inquiry: the Australian Mathematics by Inquiry project (Room No: TR 722)

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Dr Steve Thornton
Australian Academy of Science

Abstract: Mathematics by Inquiry is an Australian Government funded project designed to promote inquiry approaches to mathematics from Kindergarten to year 10. The approach adopted empowers students to reason mathematically, emphasizing the key aspects of formulating complex problems and communicating and evaluating the solution. The project is producing exemplary materials for students and professional learning resources for teachers, informed by Australian and international best practice. In this workshop we will present the Mathematics by Inquiry Protocol, a framework used to inform the development of all materials in the project and to provide teachers with a robust theoretical and practical framework for teaching inquiry-oriented mathematics lessons. We will also demonstrate some of the draft resources being developed for students and teachers.

P5: Learning environments that empower mathematics learners (Room No: TR 716)

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Dr Cynthia Seto
Academy of Singapore Teachers, Ministry of Education

Abstract: Studies have shown that the key to learning in today’s world is not just the physical space, but also the social space we provide for our students. For meaningful learning of mathematics, students need to have opportunities to make their thinking visible, engage with mathematical concepts and with their peers. Teachers have to be very intentional in creating a learning environment in which students feel safe and motivated to collaborate, cooperate and engage in the pursuit of mathematical understanding. An environment that encourages mathematical ideas to be expressed and justified empowers students to be more confident about what they know and understand. In this workshop, participants will learn to establish norms and routines to create an environment in which students would feel psychological safe to express their mathematical thinking. They will learn instructional strategies, such as the ‘Math Paired Conversation Protocol’, to engage students in mathematical discussions with justification. Teaching activities that seek to alter students’ beliefs about themselves as learners of mathematics and that learning is perceived as related to motivation and effort rather than ability will also be discussed.

P6: Empowering Learners for Mathematics Learning with Real-World Modelling Tasks (Room No: TR 717)

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Dr Chan Chun Ming Eric

Abstract: Educators are constantly trying to design pedagogic platforms for enhancing teaching and learning where pupils are found to be interacting purposefully with one another rather than function as passive recipients of knowledge. One way to provide for an active learning environment is for teachers to create conditions for pupils’ mathematical thinking to be seen, heard and developed through collaborative learning and solving rich contextualized tasks such as real-world mathematics modelling tasks. This workshop provides ideas on the use of real-world modelling tasks to enable teachers to experience and see how they lend pupils a voice to apply mathematics and make connections as they solve rich contextualized problems.

P7: Empowering pupils in primary mathematics classroom (Math Lab 1)

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Dr Koay Phong Lee

Abstract: When pupils are empowered, they learn more and they learn better. They are motivated, confident and eager to tackle the new learning tasks with perseverance. Empowering pupils takes time. Pupils need to realize that learning is not about regurgitation and passing examination, it is about making sense of what they are learning. In this workshop, we will examine how mathematical investigation can be used as a mean to empower pupils.

P8: Metacognition in mathematical problem solving (Math Lab 2)

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Dr Loh Mei Yoke
Ministry of Education, Singapore

Abstract: Metacognition is one of the five components in the Singapore mathematics problem-solving curriculum framework and it is also one of the components in the Singapore 21CC framework. This shows the importance in helping our students develop metacognitive strategies in problem solving. Some initial findings, from a doctoral study, on metacognitive strategies Singapore students exhibit during problem solving will be shared to provide participants with a better understanding of how students choose a certain approach to solve a problem, monitor their thinking and regulate their strategies in order to solve a problem. Participants would also have hands-on experience in identifying metacognitive strategies in students’ workings in problem solving tasks and self-reports of problem solving processes. Through this session, teachers would have a better understanding of the role of metacognition in problem solving and learn to apply some metacognitive instructional strategies to promote metacognitive behaviour in a primary mathematics classroom.

P9: Mathematics experiences that empower 21st century learners (Math Lab 3)

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Ms Chua Kwee Gek

Abstract: What are some ways to engage learners in their learning paths through meaningful experiences? This workshop will provide participants with some hands-on tasks that serve as a useful platform for learners to get involved and truly interested in their own learning. These tasks not only encourage the learners to make contributions to the classroom discourse but also acknowledge and support their ways of understanding. Through the tasks, the learners are orientated towards their experiences, whilst developing the communication, critical thinking and reasoning skills as well as cultivate their dispositions.

P10: Empowering low-progress learners to use representations to solve process problems (Math Lab 4)

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Dr Yeo Kai Kow Joseph
National Institute of Education

Abstract: Mathematics educators has long recognised the significance of representations in the solution of mathematical problems. Consistently, it is stated that diagrams facilitate the solution of mathematical problems because they represent problems’ structure and information. The workshop will provide suggestions for the efficient use of representations and diagrams in the problem-solving situation. This workshop will also discuss the use of appropriate representations as tools for the solution of process problems for low-progress learners. Participants will have opportunities to review and design process problems for their low-progress learners.

P11: Empowering mathematics learners through use of open-ended real-world tasks (Math Lab 5)

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Dr Ng Kit Ee Dawn

Abstract: This workshop discusses how open-ended real-world tasks may serve as enriching platforms for empowering primary school pupils to learn, apply and appreciate mathematics as part of their daily lives. Participants will have opportunities to review and design open-ended real-world tasks for their use in schools.

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