Code of Ethics

The Mathematician Educator (TME) (formerly The Mathematics Educator from 1996 to 2019), a journal of the Association of Mathematics Educators in Singapore is committed to maintaining sound ethical standards for all parties involved in the act of publishing including the author, the editor, the reviewer and the publisher. The code was drafted by the Executive committee, of the Association of Mathematics Educators in Singapore, and academic staff of the Mathematics and Mathematics Education Academic Group at the National Institute of Education, Singapore.

Code of Ethics for Authors

The corresponding author must ensure that:
  • The authorship of the paper is fair and not lead to any dispute following publication of the paper.
  • He/she is contactable by readers of the paper in due course.
  • The authors must ensure that:
  • The manuscript is prepared using the template provided, and submit two versions of it (an original version with all authorships and a blind copy that has all identifiers of the authors replaced by XXXX).
  • The manuscript submitted is an original work, not plagiarised and not published elsewhere.
  • All work and/or words of others are appropriately cited or quoted.
  • Data and findings are presented clearly, honestly, and without fabrication, falsification or manipulation.
  • The same manuscript is not submitted to any other journal concurrently.
  • They have acknowledged all source/s of funding that contributed to the publication.

Code of Ethics for Editors

The editor:
  • Must acknowledge receipt of a manuscript submitted to the journal.
  • Must ensure that the manuscript is in an accepted form (correct template used) and blind before sending it to reviewers.
  • Must treat all information pertaining to the submitted manuscript confidential, except when necessary to the reviewers and members of the Editorial Board who may not be the reviewers.
  • Must remain impartial to the decisions of the reviewers and arrange for additional reviews when necessary.
  • Must draw on the reviews of the manuscript and make an informed decision acceptance of the manuscript for publication.
  • Must review suspected incidents of plagiarism.

Code of Ethics for the Review Process

The Reviewer:
  • Must notify the journal of any conflict of interest.
  • Must keep information pertaining to the manuscript confidential.
  • Must not be prejudiced, in any manner to the nature of the research or the researchers who have done the research reported in the manuscript, and bring to the attention of the Editor any matter that may be a reason to reject publication of a manuscript other than the scientific merit of the manuscript.
The Review Process:
  • The review process is a double-blind one, where the authors do not know the reviewers and vice versa.
  • The authors should respect the confidentiality of the review process and not reveal themselves to reviewers and vice versa.
  • Manuscripts submitted are first reviewed by the editor and if suited for publication in The Mathematician Educator, they are sent to two reviewers for double blind peer review.
  • The reviewers are a member of the Editorial Board and at least one independent reviewer.
  • Decisions regarding the acceptance of the manuscript for publication are based on the reviewers’ feedback and the Editor’s discretion.
  • Manuscripts submitted by members of the journal’s Editorial Board are subjected to the same review process.

Code of Ethics for Publisher

The Publisher:
  • Must provide the resources and institutional support needed to publish accurate, original and important articles, including, as necessary, specialized legal counsel and review for issues of libel, copyright, and violation.
  • May refuse publication of any content that is not in accordance with the above ethics for authors, editor and reviewers.
  • Must promptly publish corrections, clarifications, revisions, retractions, and apologies, if and when the need arises, and with due prominence.

Copyright Policy:

Association of Mathematics Educators, the publisher of The Mathematician Educator (TME), will not be held responsible for the statements made by the authors in any articles published in the journal. Under no circumstances will the publisher of this publication be liable for any loss or damage caused by your reliance on the advice, opinion or information obtained either explicitly or implied through the contents of this publication. All rights of reproduction are reserved in respect of all papers, articles, illustrations, etc., published in The Mathematician Educator (TME). All materials published in this journal are protected by copyright, which covers exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute the material. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior permission from the Association of Mathematics Educators.