Problem 1: Jugs

Heuristics to highlight

Draw a diagram, Act it out, Guess-and-check, Use equations/algebra.

You are given two jugs, one holds 5 litres of water when full and the other holds 3 litres of water when full. There are no markings on either jug and the cross-section of each jug is not uniform. Show how to measure out exactly 4 litres of water from a fountain.

Show also the following:

  1. Get 2 litres from 3 litre and 7 litre jugs.
  2. Get 6 litres from 12 litre and 16 litre jugs.
  3. Get 12 litres from 18 litre and 24 litre jugs.


Suitable hints for Polya Stages I, II and IV

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