Excellence in Mathematics Teaching Award

The Excellence in Mathematics Teaching Award (EMTA) recognizes Singapore mathematics teachers who are passionate in mathematics teaching, have displayed exemplary efforts in the teaching of mathematics, and are role models to their colleagues and the mathematics teaching fraternity in Singapore. This award is given by The Association of Mathematics Educators (AME) since 2017.
Click here to download the EMTA Poster.

About the Award

Each year, the Association of Mathematics Educators (AME) recognizes outstanding individuals who teach mathematics at primary and secondary schools, junior colleges or centralised institutes, and bestows upon them the Excellence in Mathematics Teaching Award (EMTA). The objectives of the EMTA are to:

  • encourage mathematics teachers to pursue excellence in their teaching practice;
  • recognise the excellent work of mathematics teachers in inspiring and empowering their students to learn mathematics; and
  • motivate teachers to learn and share with one another in their professional work.

These outstanding mathematics teachers:

  • have a strong passion for the teaching of mathematics;
  • inspire and empower their students to develop confidence, interest and deep understanding in the learning of mathematics;
  • demonstrate positive impact on student learning in mathematics;
  • believe in and contribute to the professional development of fellow teachers and sharing of instructional resources; and
  • are role models to their colleagues and the mathematics teaching fraternity.

There are two categories of awards each year:
  • Primary mathematics teachers
  • Secondary/Junior College/Centralised Institute mathematics teachers
Each award recipient will receive the following from AME:
  • $500 prize money,
  • a trophy,
  • a certificate,
  • AME membership (2 years), and
  • 2 years' free participation at AME’s annual Mathematics Teachers Conference.

The award recipient will also be required to present their practices at platforms in the following year decided by AME.

Eligibility Criteria

The nominee must:

  • be a full-time teacher;
  • be Singapore citizen or permanent resident; and
  • have more than 3 years of mathematics teaching experience.

The Award Process


Step 1: Click here to indicate interest of nomination by 19 February 2021.

Step 2: Click here to download the nomination form.

Step 3: Complete the nomination form and submit a soft copy of it (in one zipped file, size not more than 100 mb) here by 22 March 2021.

For Personal Data Protection, click here to download a sample parents’ consent form for video-recording.

Selection and Evaluation

  • Eligible nominees will be invited for an interview.
  • Lesson observation will be arranged for shortlisted nominees.
  • The selection committee comprises mathematicians, mathematics educators, AME EXCO, and MOE officers.


  • Nominees will be notified for interview via email by 25 March 2021.
  • Interviews will take place during 29 March - 2 April 2021 and classroom observations will take place during 5 - 16 April 2021.
  • Award recipients will be notified in May.
  • Enquiries

    For enquiries, please email the Secretariat at ame.secretariat@gmail.com.