AME-SMS conference 2014


Primary Workshops

Designing rubrics to assess mathematical understanding

Abstract: If we value mathematical understanding and thinking then it is important that the assessments we use convey this message. Assessment tasks must enable students to demonstrate their thinking and understanding, and the ways in which performance is described needs to provide information that allows students to improve their understanding and thinking and point teachers to ways in which their subsequent teaching can facilitate the development of student’ thinking and understanding. Participants will consider assessment tasks and students’ responses to them and consider how rubrics might be developed that achieve these goals.

Characteristics of good mathematics test items

Abstract: Assessment is critical to the teaching and learning process. Therefore instructional leaders must be able to select and also write good test items. Three key characteristics shape these items. In this workshop participants will work with good mathematics test items and draw their characteristics. Next they will apply their learning and write mathematics test items, for given mathematical content, which would be critiqued by the participants of the workshop.

Assessment for learning: using open-ended tasks in the lower primary mathematics lessons

Abstract: Based on the Primary Education Review and Implementation (PERI) recommendation, primary schools are encouraged to move away from an overly strong emphasis on examinations and explore the use of bit-sized forms of assessment which place more emphasis on learning rather than on grades alone. Open-ended tasks provide such form of assessment where emphasis is on pupils’ mathematical thinking, reasoning and problem-solving processes as well as communication skills. The workshop will discuss the rationale for introducing open-ended tasks in the classroom and illustrate some examples of solving open-ended tasks. This workshop will also assist lower primary mathematics teachers to examine the techniques and processes of solving open-ended tasks or problems for their P1 and P2 pupils. Teachers will also be given the opportunities to assess samples of pupils’ open-ended task solutions. Target Audience: P1 and P2 teachers.

Assessment of performance in primary mathematics lessons

Abstract: Recent developments in primary mathematics education emphasize the need for teachers to use a repertoire of pedagogies to engage pupils in learning mathematics. The use of performance tasks as activity-based learning makes for highly interactive lessons. This workshop will take primary mathematics teachers through several performance tasks with the aim of helping them to be familiar with performance tasks and eliciting the mathematics embedded in the tasks through the engagement. Teachers will learn how to make use of rubrics to assess responses and provide feedback as a developmental approach to enhance student learning.

Assessment in Indonesian realistic mathematics education for primary pupils

Abstract: During the workshop we are going to share our experience in doing mathematics especially the assessment part or Indonesian Realistic Mathematics Education (PMRI). First, example of tasks or problems that were designed using PMRI principles will be provided. Then, participants will be guided to solve such problems either individually or in a group. Then, of course, the various solutions of a given problem will be discussed in order to find the best solution. At the end, participants will also have experience how to design their own assessment items using PMRI principles in the Singapore context.

Designing formative assessments in mathematics lessons

Abstract: In the first part of the workshop some assessment tools for formative assessment will be explored. During the second part of the workshop, participants will have the opportunities to sample some examples from different mathematics topics and experience crafting some assessment items for their class use.

Audience: Upper Primary Teachers

Performance assessment in primary mathematics

Abstract: The common paper and pencil assessments in mathematics focus more on the product than the processes. The test items do not assess cognitive skills that are at the higher levels of Bloom’s taxonomy, e.g., analysis, synthesis & evaluation. Very often, pupils know how to arrive at the answer but they do not necessarily understand why. Hence, it is difficult for teachers to ascertain the different levels of understanding the mathematical concepts & skills attained by their pupils and to assess the mathematical processes listed in the curriculum framework, processes such as reasoning, communication and connections, thinking skills & heuristics. In this workshop, we will examine how performance assessment can be used to assess understanding and process skills in primary mathematics.


Abstract: What an encouraging sign to see educators and teachers getting passionate about the subject of designing good alternative assessment tasks and crafting meaningful rubrics. In all this eagerness to assess our students, have we found time to reflect upon what these assessment results really mean? How can we help our students recognize what they can do, what their strengths are and help them set attainable goals?

In this workshop, teachers will get an opportunity to delve into the different types of mathematical errors and misconceptions that children make. We will also explore how we can help our students build upon their prior knowledge and move on from wherever they are and thus developing their mathematical beliefs and values through constructive feedback sessions. We will be exploring what such feedback sessions may look like.